Reinsurance Mortgage
Portfolio Solutions is run by:

Otto K.M. de Bont

Senior official (COO) with wide experience and knowledge in the reinsurance industry.

From 1972 to 1993, Otto worked for the Netherlands Reassurance Group of which the last three years as President of the Philadelphia Reinsurance Corporation in Phladelphia USA. From 1993 until his retirement date he worked as COO of ReMark, an internationally operating organization in the field of insurance consultancy, with offices in 12 countries. Since his retirement until 2016, Otto worked as an independent advisor at actuarial agency Callas Group.

Joost L. Melis

Business consultant in complex, financial and insurance projects.

Since 1990, Joost has held management positions at various financial institutions. From 2008 to 2015, he was CEO of Delta Lloyd Bank. He established an office for interim management, from which, among others, he executes national and international assignments fot the Dutch Central Bank (and for the Dutch Banking Association) and other financial organisations. Joost's specialism focuses on international regulations Basel III and IV, Solvency II and AML/CFT.

Bas D. Millenaar

Director and innovator with wide knowledge and experience in the mortgage industry.

From 1976 to 1996, Bas was a banker for the Westland / Utrecht Hypotheekbank holding several positions; head of Marketing and director of the Retail Company. In 1996 he made a switch to the distribution channel and worked until 2016 for the Blauwtrust Group as statutory director of De Hypotheker, market leader in independent mortgage advice with 175 advisory offices. As of his retirement Bas has carried out various assignments within the financial sector.

Thomas T. Stallinga

Graduated actuary at the University of Amsterdam.

From 1988 to 1994 Thomas worked at the Netherlands Reinsurance Group. Subsequently he held various management positions until 2005 including ´De Amersfoortse´ and ´ASR insurance´. Thomas established Callas actuarial agency in 2005, with the emphasis on product development and administration of insurance- and pension products for various national and international insurance companies. This successful company was sold in 2016 to Rheinland Versicherungs AG. Thomas is currently leading the RMPS initiative.